Monday, June 29, 2009

Song of the Week

And welcome yet again to another Song of the Week. This week, it’s a little bit country, and a little bit country, and a whole kick ass music.

She’s Country
Jason Aldean

As Always, you can find my posts at

My podcast, The DJ Show.

And special Youtube Chanel where you can find my Song of the Week performances

Friday, June 26, 2009

An Evening on the Fireside

An Evening on the Fireside with David 50

Hello everyone, for this Evening on the Fireside, I present to you a dream cast for a movie that’s in the really really early stages of maybe becoming a movie. The movie is a film adaptation of the classic anime, Cowboy Bebop. This is inspired for the fear that Fox actually wants to cast Keanu Reeves as the lead character, Spike Spiegel. This is one of those things that just don’t make sense to me. I don’t even know what would make someone even think of that pick.

I failed to come up with both a TV and movie actor to fill the spots, so if I come up with something, I’ll post an update.

Up first is the casting, and following that will be a bit of a description.


Movie Bradley Cooper

TV Joe Flanigan


Movie Eliza Dushku/Rosario Dawson

TV Stacy Keebler


Movie Ron Pearlman

TV Jim Beaver


Movie Christian Bale (Way too expensive)

TV Undecided (Great actor, he was in that one movie)


Movie Ali Carter

TV Undecided


Movie Dakota Fanning (stumped)

TV Undecided

Spike – While I like the look of Adrian Brody, I don’t think he is the right one though.

I haven’t seen Bradley Cooper in much, but I think he’s an interesting actor for the role.

You know what, I think I’m going to pick Joe Flanigan from Stargate Atlantis. I haven’t seen him in anything but Atlantis, so he would probably need a couple acting classes and some martial arts training, but I think he might be able to pull it off.

Faye – This is a tough one. I’ve seen the suggestion of Eliza Dushku, and while I don’t think that that is the best, I can’t think of someone better yet.

Another interesting pick would definitely be Rosario Dawson. It really wouldn’t surprise me if she could pull it off.

I don’t know if Stacy Keebler, one of the greatest WWE Divas ever, can act, but I’d like to see her in this role, okay, maybe I just want to see her in the outfit. At least she has the legs for it.

Jet – I’ve heard Ron Pearlman, and that’s good for me.

I suppose if this doesn’t happen for another 10 years or so, I think The Rock might be an interesting pick, but he’s just not really there right now.

I’m going back to TV to get my pick. Jim Beaver from Supernatural and Harper’s Island. He’s got a few too many years on his age and a few too many inches on his waist, but I still like him as Jet.

Ed – Hmm, I don’t actually know many kid actors. The only one that comes to mind is Dakota Fanning, sooo… Dakota Fanning?

I just don’t know. CG Maybe?

Vicious – Christian Bale is a great pick in my mind. The only 100% I can think for the cast.

Julia - Ali Carter is a great pick, so I’ll leave it as this.

As Always, you can find my posts at





My podcast, The DJ Show.

And special Youtube Chanel

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Poetry Wed-nes-day

Alright folks, I’m throwing some mad Pantoum stylings at you this week.

Justice Syste

A book is thrown
As the judge sentences;
The man is outraged.
Crowds jump to their feet.

As the judge sentences
A gavel sounds.
Crowds jump to their feet;
Bailiffs are too slow.

A gavel sounds.
The man is outraged.
Bailiffs are too slow.
A book is thrown.

As Always, you can find my posts at

My podcast, The DJ Show.

And special Youtube Channel

Monday, June 22, 2009

Song of the Week

And we have another Song of the Week.

Crazy Train
Ozzy Osbourne

And if you want to see something special for this Song of the Week, and the future pieces, subscribe to my podcast, The DJ Show on iTunes

As Always, you can find my posts at

My podcast, The DJ Show.

Friday, June 19, 2009

An Evening on the Fireside

An Evening on the Fireside with David 49
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog about capitalism versus Communism. This week, I'm adding a little bit to it. Here it is \/

a classless society or not. They are capable of living in luxury, and most people will choose some manner of personal comfort. *Cough* Lord Acton *cough* Absolute power *cough*. .People who typically fight and are successful in gaining power are typically not sheep and angels.
Someone else mentioned about a stable country being able to produce a stable communism. I’ve got to call bushwashy on that. .Stability is driven from the lack of a power vacuum. So any change from a class system of capitalism to a classless communism to be to a façade. .Those in power wouldn’t give up power. A revolt wouldn’t happen in a stable country, so that’s the only way the transition could be made. Losing green pieces of paper doesn’t completely strip very powerful people of the affluence.

Also, if we strip the market of being able to determine the best course of action for our goods, then we have to give that power to a small group of people. I just don’t see how on extremely large scales this would be very effective. To some extent it is more viable in a country like China, but that is because they have a very homogenized population. That is not the case for the USA. Hell, we barely stay above anarchy through the use of states. Imagine if D.C. decided on a blanket decision on gay marriage. Look at the protesting and outrage that came from one state (California) banning it.
With as much ethnic, religious, and ideology diversity that exists, not letting the truest form of the people decide (the free market), I just don’t see how a society could thrive.
I think this is good for now.

This is an amendment to

Really, the reason why I chose this as this week’s Evening is because Guy 1 ended the conversation with something along the lines of Materialism is stripping us of our humanity..
To put it another way, Materialism causes an erosion of our humanity.

As sad as it may be, Our humanity leads to the effect of materialism.

This is a point I never got to steer the conversation to this direction, but I will close the week out with a short comment on it.

What is our humanity? I would imagine it is what separates humans from animals. Typically this is known as free will. Hmm, where was I going to go with this?

Meh, it’s getting too late. Basically, materialism is exclusively human, thus an aspect of humanity, not a dissolver of it.

As Always, you can find my posts at

And don't forget the new podcast The DJ Show -

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A New Podcast and Poetry Wed-nes-day

A Podcast DJ

It’s time for the DJ.
Hear what they have to say

A second podcast
Collecting an odd cast.

Always spinning great
It was worth the wait.

This I can assure you
Miss it, and be a fool.

So get on iTunes
All you hooligans.

Subscribe and download
The DJ Show

To make some sense out of this, I present to you my newest podcast up on iTunes RIGHT NOW. I plan on this being miles and kilometers better than The Davidian Cast I did last year, which was basically first draft stories. .Hopefully I will continue to become a better writer, and maybe, just maybe, I can swing all of this into something.
The podcast will include a monthly episode that will include all of the posts I put in my blog as well as a story. .This means,
Open with the Song of the Week
Banter between myself and Jimmy Jom Jones.
Story Content (The first 4 episode should be Down, which the first part closed The Davidian Cast.
Poetry Wed-nes-day
An Evening on the Fireside
And then Performer of the Month

That’s the nuts and bolts of the regular, monthly episodes. I will also be dropping bonus episodes in including, hopefully, some vidcasts. Rather I can drop those in or not, I will also be starting a youtube channel to post those videos. What I have planned for those is just silliness. I’ll try to stay up with show notes also, but go ahead to itunes, search David Dysart for the best results. A lot of results come up when you put in The DJ Show.
Alright, peace and much love. I’m off to try to write some Sigler fanfic. Oh, and if you want to see an interesting and unique take of vampires, subscribe to The DJ Show! Gabriel will show up eventually there.

iTunes Link~~~~~~>

As Always, you can find my posts at

Monday, June 15, 2009

Song of the Week

And we have another Song of the Week.

Hero of War
Rise Against

This is currently the Free music video of the week at iTunes. .It is a very sad and emotionally driven piece. I think it was a good call to go only with the guitar for instruments. As always, my heart and pride goes out to the men and women who have chosen to fight in the name of their country. .Thank you. .We ask them to fight, die, and even kill. Your service is greatly appreciated. .

As Always, you can find my posts at

Friday, June 12, 2009

An Evening on the Fireside

An Evening on the Fireside with David 48

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a new, integrated blog segment, The Inter-Postal Hack (TIPH)
I will scour the interwebs for some source of amusement to illuminate the human condition (really just a joke), and post it for all of your enlightenment. For I know all of you work tirelessly in your expedition for knowledge and news. So here is the first, replacing this week’s Evening on the Fireside

Alright, so this is my version of the joke. .Following it, will be the version from the interwebs.
A man was flying over the Chinese borders, contracted by the government to well… I could tell you, but then I would have to end you. Anyways, this man’s plane went down in the forest, crashing and leaving him stranded in a foreign land. He wandered for days, weeks, surviving on bugs sand berries.

One day he came across a small stream and followed it down to a two-story shambles on its banks. Tears started welling in his eyes as he accepted the beauty before him. Stressed legs ran to the home and cut and scratched hands pounded on the door.

An ancient Chinese man with a grey beard that ran the length of his torso opened the door and looked at him.

“Uh, English?” the lost man pleaded.

The wrinkled man nodded and repeated, “English.”

“Please, my plane crashed and I’ve been lost in the woods for weeks. Can you spare a room and maybe directions to a village or town nearby.”

The Chinese man stepped back into his house with a bow as his arm showed inside of the room. “Certainly. I shall feed you and draw you a map for the morning.”

The American slid into the home, hands together and bowing repeatedly. “Thank you so much. I am eternally grateful.”

The Chinese man squeaked and scraped the door close as he said, “There is only one thing.”

The lost man looked through blurred eyes and listened.

“If you so much as lay a finger on my daughter I will inflict upon you the three worst Chinese tortures known to man.”

The American thought for a moment how old the man’s daughter would be, but dismissed the thought upon the food that awaited him now, and once he found a Micky D’s. “Yes, yes, anything you wish.”

“Now, go wash in the stream while my daughter and I prepare the food.”

The man again bowed and made his way out of the house and to the water. Upon washing, he returned to the smell of roasted animals.

The table was filled with a dozen bits of food, but the American couldn’t stop leering at the old man’s (supposed) daughter. She was the most ravishing thing he had ever seen. Anemic blood sank and centered.

The old man helped the American to his seat and whispered, “Three worst Chinese tortures.”

The American nodded and the three began eating the myriad of foods, the daughter eyeing him from time to time before quickly snapping back to her food.

As they finished, the American offered to help clean, but the old man brushed him up the stairs to rest. He left him with, “You sleep in my bed. I make map for you.”

The American bowed one last time and said, “Thank you both so much. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay your kindness.”

“Just remember,” the old man said, “You will know unbearable pain if you lay with my daughter.”

The two separated and the American laid awake, thinking of the man’s daughter, running through fantasy after fantasy. Finally, with a groan, he snuck out of his room and found the daughter, lying on her bed, stripped of her clothes. A seductive smile later, and he was already of his clothes, clearing the room in only three steps.

They remained wrapped in passion until neither could move. As soon as he managed enough energy to get up, he limped back to his one-night bed. If he could have mustered a smile, he would have fallen asleep with one plastered on his face.

He began blinking to the sunlight and a pressure on his chest. Looking through the pain of morning sun, he saw the rock on his chest. On it, a note was posted that read:

Chinese Torture 1: Hundred pound rock on chest

He grabbed the rock as he thought, “Well, this isn’t that bad.” He grunted as he sat up, thinking, “Not really unbearable pain.” He picked the boulder up and walked it to the glassless window. He took a breath in, before heaving the rock out.

Half out of the window, the man noticed another note posted in the window that read:

Chinese Torture 2: Left testicle tied to Rock

With a choked throat, he managed to force his head down, to a rope running tight and leading out of the window. “Broken bones or a balless one,” ran through his head just before he leapt through the window.

Falling through the morning air, hands wrapped securely around a rope, no two ropes. He looked at the grass below him and saw the last of three Chinese Tortures.

Chinese Torture 3: Right testicle tied to bed post

And the internet version

A young man is wandering, lost, in a forest when he comes upon a small house. He knocks on the door and is greeted by an old Chinese man with a long grey beard. “I’m lost,” said the man, “Can you put me up for the night?”
“Certainly,” the Chinese man said, “but one condition. If you so much as lay a finger on my daughter I will inflict upon you the three worst Chinese tortures known to man.”
“OK,” said the man, thinking that the daughter must be pretty old as well, and entered the house.
Over dinner the daughter came down the stairs. She was young, beautiful and had a fantastic body. She was obviously attracted to the young man as well, as she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him during the meal. Remembering the old man’s warning he ignored her and went up to bed alone.
During the night he could bear it no longer and snuck into her room for a night of passion. Near dawn, he quietly crept back to his room so the old man wouldn’t hear, exhausted but happy.
He woke to feel a pressure on his chest. Opening his eyes he saw a large rock on his chest with a note on it that read:
“Chinese Torture 1: Large rock on chest.”
“Well, that’s easy,” he thought. “If that’s the best the old man can do then I don’t have much to worry about.” He picked the boulder up, walked over to the window and threw it out. As he did so, he noticed another note on it that read:
“Chinese Torture 2: Rock tied to left testicle.”
In a panic he glanced down and saw the rope that was already getting close to taut. Figuring that a few broken bones was better than castration he jumped out of the window after the boulder. As he plummeted toward the ground he saw a large sign on the ground that read:
“Chinese Torture 3: Right testicle tied to bed post.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poetry Wed-nes-day

A Humean

Damn you!
Ideas so new!

You would
Scratch a finger
Or destroy the world

Just the same,
Telling people, “Don’t complain.
To Hell with the dame.

As Always, you can find my posts at

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Song of the Week

And we have another Song of the Week.

I Run To You
Lady Antebellum

As Always, you can find my posts at

Friday, June 5, 2009

An Evening on the Fireside

An Evening on the Fireside with David 47
This is going to be a relatively short Evening on the Fireside. There was a bit of a conversation going on a week or so ago about communism versus capitalism, or should I say communalism versus free marketierism.

The core conversation between the two who started it was moreso focused on human nature and rather a supporting you brothers and sisters in humanity is better than simply letting every person strive on their own. Guy 1 said it was, Girl 2 said it wasn’t, Guy 3 jumped in and said communism is better on paper, capitalism is better economically (wide scale), and how the Federal Reserve is a communistic barrier put in the hands of the private sector. Or atleast that’s how it came across.
Girl 1 said capitalism and working for oneself was human nature, Guy 1 said that that was just because that’s the culture we, as Americans, have grown in, but it was NOT, in fact, human nature. He also pointed out that the communism seen in nations such as Russia, North Korea and whatnot, is not the true communism. This I cannot speak on.

Meh, my contributions to the conversations were mainly that communalism in a nation-wide scale was ineffective because human nature is bettering something, but that nation-wide brotherhood is far too abstract in their benefits. This is why small-scale communalism such as those seen on Kibbutz’s and Amish community, where everyone pulls together for the better of the groups, are successful. People can see the benefit of putting the group before the individual, so… they do it.
I mean, we talk trash about people behind their backs, when we are physically seeing the consequences of our actions, rather good or bad, it makes it real.
Of course, that’s not the only thing. A lot of it is, why should I work to support someone who isn’t? But that’s the obvious. Yes, I used that as a noun.
Also, whether you’re acting within the parameters of communism or capitalism, power is, always has been, and always will be a capitalist commodity, a good to be had. I won’t go into this at the moment.

Really, the reason why I chose this as this week’s Evening is because Guy 1 ended the conversation with something along the lines of Materialism is stripping us of our humanity..
To put it another way, Materialism causes an erosion of our humanity.
As sad as it may be, Our humanity leads to the effect of materialism.
This is a point I never got to steer the conversation to this direction, but I will close the week out with a short comment on it.

What is our humanity? I would imagine it is what separates humans from animals. Typically this is known as free will. Hmm, where was I going to go with this?
Meh, it’s getting too late. Basically, materialism is exclusively human, thus an aspect of humanity, not a dissolver of it..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Performer of the Month

Welcome for the once a month blog segment, Performer of the Month for the month of May (Yeah, I’m kind of like the telephone company). In this post, I choose performers from three brands of media and choose an overall winner.
First, from the world of music, we have the singers of this week’s Song of the Week, Kiss. I haven’t been a life-long Kiss fan, but recently, I’ve been listening to them.
From television, we have the entire show, The Deadliest Warrior. It really is just a great show. A bunch of fighters talking trash and busting out the measuring tape. Then we see some badassery from some of the greatest warriors throughout time. And a bit o science
Lastly, from podcasting, this was a toss up between Greg Crites and the winner, Scott Sigler. Scott Sigler just finished the podiobook, Contagious, and is really rolling.

The winner is…
The Deadliest Warrior.
And there you have it, the Deadliest Warrior is the winner.

As always, you can find my posts at…

Episode one of The DJ Show, my upcoming podcast, is about half done, which will include a story, and all of the weekly segments. Peace and much love.

Winner logo at

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Poetry Wed-nes-day

And now for the second weekly post, Poetry Wed-nes-day

Yawning Bright Eyed

Bright eyed,
I sit

The chair is killing me
So I stare at my mitt
Bright eyed,

You see,
I am ordered by writ,

I sit blithely
Gazing at it
Bright eyed,

Sitting with glee
And singing, a tomtit

Sipping imaginary tea,
Staring back is my whit,
Bright eyed,

As Always, you can find my posts at

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Song of the Week


I am starting a couple weekly posts here at Blogspot. The first of which is..... See that? That was a drum role. Pretty awesome, huh? Anyways, the first weekly post is Song of the Week. This is a segment I've been doing at Myspace ( ) off and on for a while. So, the very first Song of the Week at Blogspot is




Song of the Week will also appear at TheOtaku ( ), Myspace ( ), Deviantart ( ), and also in a podcast that I will be starting.