Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A New Podcast and Poetry Wed-nes-day

A Podcast DJ

It’s time for the DJ.
Hear what they have to say

A second podcast
Collecting an odd cast.

Always spinning great
It was worth the wait.

This I can assure you
Miss it, and be a fool.

So get on iTunes
All you hooligans.

Subscribe and download
The DJ Show

To make some sense out of this, I present to you my newest podcast up on iTunes RIGHT NOW. I plan on this being miles and kilometers better than The Davidian Cast I did last year, which was basically first draft stories. .Hopefully I will continue to become a better writer, and maybe, just maybe, I can swing all of this into something.
The podcast will include a monthly episode that will include all of the posts I put in my blog as well as a story. .This means,
Open with the Song of the Week
Banter between myself and Jimmy Jom Jones.
Story Content (The first 4 episode should be Down, which the first part closed The Davidian Cast.
Poetry Wed-nes-day
An Evening on the Fireside
And then Performer of the Month

That’s the nuts and bolts of the regular, monthly episodes. I will also be dropping bonus episodes in including, hopefully, some vidcasts. Rather I can drop those in or not, I will also be starting a youtube channel to post those videos. What I have planned for those is just silliness. I’ll try to stay up with show notes also, but go ahead to itunes, search David Dysart for the best results. A lot of results come up when you put in The DJ Show.
Alright, peace and much love. I’m off to try to write some Sigler fanfic. Oh, and if you want to see an interesting and unique take of vampires, subscribe to The DJ Show! Gabriel will show up eventually there.

iTunes Link~~~~~~>

As Always, you can find my posts at

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