Friday, July 24, 2009

An Evening on the Fireside

An Evening on the Fireside with David 54
Hello again folks. I had intended to post part two my investigation of beauty, cuteness, and hotness, but the pictures take a while, and I didn’t think I was going to tear the garage apart to find the opossum that decided to die in there, so you all get the 900 words of fiction I wrote earlier today. It is the same main character as the piece I posted last week. It also includes Sariel, another main character.

The beginning is somewhat suggestive, but fear not, it’s before not after or during. It’s just story arc-ish stuff. You can skip the first quarter of it if you just want the meat of it.

Vignettes – Zombies in the Garage

Their conversation stopped as the lights flickered out.

“Fuck,” Nu said, looking up and scanning the empty ceiling. “Is there a chance they found us?”

A candle poofed to life in Sariel’s hand as she said, “That would be the worst case scenario.”

Nu looked down to her and said, “So, in other words?”

She stared up at his face, glowing above the candle, “Yes.”

Nu rolled off of her and pushed himself to his feet. As he pulled her up, he said, “Do you still have the generator for the elevator and D-light in the garage?”

“Of course, it’s automatic,” she said, working her way past him and stopping at the elevator.

Sariel’s finger lingered on the unpressed button until Nu’s hand covered it and put it into the button. Her eyes fluttered as he said, “We’re not finished here. It’s just on hold.”

The doors before them pulled open as they stood there. Sariel pulled her hand out from Nu and slid into the elevator. Turning to look at him, she said with a fanning wave, “Are you coming.”

As the doors began to close he jumped in, bumping Sariel and pinning her to the back of the elevator.

They looked at each other in 60-volt illumination as the elevator rolled down and jerked to a stop. Nu heard the doors open and saw Sariel go pale. Her hand searched his pocket until it wrapped around the lighter.

He took a step back, leaving the lighter before turning through the doors. Two or three dozen glowing red bodies stood in the darkness.

“Could we flood?” Sariel asked, still huddled in the elevator

Nu embraced his own blue glow as he continued out of the elevator. “It would take to long.”

Sariel stepped beside him as the hungry faces burned with sunken eyes. She dug her nails into her left forearm, sliding them up to the nook of her elbow.

Nu winced through the corner of his eye before she rubbed her wet nails in four streaks on his cheek.

Sariel flipped the metal cap up from the lighter and gave the wheel a flick. The flame jumped in the darkness as they stood there, in front of the red army.

Nu exploded forward and charged the group as Sariel frisbeed the lighter into the crowd.

Nu reached the flame, cupping the lighter before he ripped away, a strip of fire igniting. One of the zombiac possessions swatted the lighter down, but Nu slashed him in half with the flaming sword in arc that spun him around to land on his knees. A puff of sulfuric ash exploded and covered the back of Nu’s suit.

The group roared and closed in on Nu as he spun up, taking another zombie from crotch to head in a burning flash that coated the rest of the angel in ash.

Nu twisted, hacking another zombie from neck to waist to his left as Sariel took a running leap to the shoulders of another soldier. She leapt and planted a heeled boot into the face of another, riding him to the ground. Sariel barreled through another red auraed unhuman man before falling into a pillar. She scanned around, gathering the attention of the zombies around her.

Nu stood straight, spitting in his hand before grabbing the head of one of the snapping mouths. He closed his eyes and took in a breath. A flash irrupted at the point of contact followed by a clap of thunder. Dust exploded from the thing’s body, held tight by clothing, a T shirt and khaki shorts.

He looked around and diced another one as he yelled, “Any time now!”

Sariel scribbled a glyph on the bare concrete of the pillar, circles and triangles lit by her blue glow and inked in her blood. One of men wrapped a hand around her arm, pulling at her writing hand. She turned to him, a pity held in her eyes. She slapped the support with her self-mutilated limb, blood smearing on the post.

Nu planted his shoe on a creature’s head and crushed it against the swirled cement floor. The ash settled to the floor as a zombie leapfrogged a fellow comrade, falling for Nu. The cherub pushed forward, arcing on his toes as he drove the inferno into its mouth.

The monstrosity landed on his feet as the flame ate through his face. He spun as he collapse, sulfur spraying from his head and covering the throbbing red glow of the others.

The glyph lit from burgundy dullness along with dormant symbols spaced periodically throughout the midnight structure. The semi-sentient zombies followed the looping glow that surrounded them.

The man holding Sariel looked back to her. His jaw sagged in his skin as his eyes scanned. The flesh on his grip began to slosh. She shook him loose as he stumbled back. They began shambling before the screaming started. The howl that gnawed at the humanity of the angels. The noise mumbled to a stop as the bodies continued to melt.
Nu and Sariel looked away and to each other. Sariel’s blood on Nu sizzled on his cheek as the zombie’s glow began to dim along with the burning of the glyphs. An explosion of sulfur filled the garage hip high as the darkness returned to black, two auras of blue and violet standing among the cloaked carnage.

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