Monday, August 18, 2008

Finally, an update has come back to blogger

Alright folks. Sorry no updates here, but I've decided to do one update a week here and just hit some of the more important stuff.

Podcasting News
So at the momoent there are 2 bantersode featureing me and Jimmy Jom Jones
1 Promo
and of course the very first Content episode. Folowing are the show notes

Show Notes
Receiving… Translating… Translating… Language One – English… Language Two -… Unidentified… Brakeout!23%Error.

While I mentioned that I put up the first official content episode, I didn't provide any real shownotes, so here goes.

Episode one of the Davidian Cast, the very first Sectisode, The Sect of ZAP: TUT Origins is now up and ready for your listening pleasures.

The episode chronicles TUT (TheUnderTaker), a staple character in a webcomic bouncing around in my noggin, and what happened to him when Noah started the zombie apocalypse.

The Origins line of ZAP Vignettes tell the tales of main characters in ZAP (Zombie Attack Patrol). The currently written stories include: "ZAP: The Origins of Veli," and "…The Origins of PY". Those particular titles are more so place holders. The other two stories are "Party for Two" (Kard and Ze'el) and "Genesis 9:1" (Zoë and Noah). Yes, yes, that is Noah as in mentioned above as the one starting this whole mess.

On the banter side of things, we find out that Jimmy Jom Jones has another Sectisode with us, but will then be leaving the podcast for a couple of weeks. But worry not true believers, I'll scrounge up some co-hosts for the show.

Well, that's about it, look though for another bantercast coming up this weekday week, titled "A Deacon a Shaman and an Ayatollah Walk into a Bar and have a Ménage à Trois." Hmm, that's a little long. Oh well, see you guys tomorrow for the Song of the Week.
Oh, and the episode is on my front page in the About me Section of Myspace

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