Friday, July 19, 2013

PostAWeek 28: OOF – The 5-Second One-Off Fiction By David “By the Lapels” Dysart

PostAWeek 28: OOF – The 5-Second One-Off Fiction
By David “By the Lapels” Dysart

My mind tends to wander to random interactions, so I write them down from time to time. This particular piece would work for a couple of characters I have with a little tweaking.

The two stood at the counter skimming, their papers as she breezed, disinterested, “So what would you do if I confessed my undying love for you right now?”
“Wait, did you want to... get together? You have like 5 seconds to tell me otherwise because it’s going to be really awkward when I kiss you if you don’t.”
She turned to him as he held up his hand, fingers outstretched. His thumb curled into the palm of his hand as he said, “And it’s going to be a damn good kiss too.
His index finger joined his thumb as he continued, “Sure, I’m going to be a bit rusty, but don’t worry. It’ll be good.”
As his middle finger fell, she interrupted him “Well, how am I supposed to get a word in edge-wise with all that talking?”
Another finger dropped, leaving only two. He stole a glance at them. “That’s assuming I want you to get a word in,” he quipped with a smile.
As only one finger remained, she said, “And that’s assuming I wanted to get a word in.” She pulled him in by the lapels, his knees buckling, to meet her lips.
After a breathless second, he stumbled back and said, “Well, I lost control of that situation rather quickly.”
A smirk played on her lips before she said, “It’s cute that you think you ever had control of that situation.”
He straightened himself to his proper height and fixed his coat before continuing, “Let’s try that again, shall we?” He stepped into her again and wrapped her in his arms before turning her into a dip, the gaze holding for just a second before they met for another kiss.

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Louis C. K.

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You have 5 seconds to want to read this because it’s going to be weird if you click this link and don’t want to

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
The http my own website is coming soon .com !!!! in all its Glory - and all its Horror

New to the PostAWeek? These are the essential posts to see
3 – January Performer of the Month – The first official appearance of Chuck and Tom on the PostAWeek, and a good sampler of their style.

5, 6, 7 – The February Performer of the Month Trilogy – The only Performer of the Month to span 3 posts, Chuck deals with a Batman-quoting Tom for over 1,500 words in this three-bit of brilliance

8, 9, 10 – The Mile High Diaries Trilogy – My yearly pilgrimage to the top of Mount Etatslac chronicled for the future generations to tackle the peak, written article-style with pulled quotes and all that jazz.

I shall deductively prove I am and always have been... a man.
There is ancient American lore that milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
I have never been brought to a yard with a milkshake
Therefore, I am a man (and always have been)
I’d make you a man, but I’d have to charge... And that’s prostitution, so I won’t do that, American Government

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