Friday, July 5, 2013

PostAWeek 26: The Bug Incident (Foreword by Tom, Chuck, and Paul) By David “PostAWeek Correspondent” Dysart

PostAWeek 26: The Bug Incident (Foreword by Tom, Chuck, and Paul)
By David “PostAWeek Correspondent” Dysart

The Bug Incident: A Special Report

Chuck: Hello, and welcome to the Performer of the Month, and I would like to take this opportunity to ask my co-host, Tom, to just act normal.

Tom: Woah... Way to put me on blast in front of our audience. I can’t believe you would just do that right off the bat.

Paul: That is pretty bad. And pretty unprofessional

Chuck: I was just-

Paul: Hey, guys! We’ve got a special report coming in.

Chuck: A what?

Tom: A special report? From David??

Chuck: That doesn’t even make sense.

Paul: Yeah, it looks like there was a bug incident.

Chuck: What does he want us to do with that.

Tom: Well, PostAWeek readers, it looks like we’re going to throw it to our PostAWeek Correspondent at his Southern California residence for this special summer report on... The Bug Incident.

Chuck: Alright, I guess this means our Summer of Performers, 4 straight week of PotM is no longer a thing. Maybe we’ll see you next week, PostAWeek readers. But for now, enjoy the first ever... Special Report.

Tom: How’s it going David?

Good, Tom. So I got a text from my dad about a beetle he had sprayed, killed, and left for me to dispose of under a cup. At least that’s what I thought it said...

I get home, and I steal a glance to where he said it was, and all I see was the plastic cup... on its side... crunched...

Well... that’s disconcerting, so I take a few steps closer get a closer look. Turns out it was dead, near the cup. I must have just misread the text, so I grabbed an envelope to scoop him up and chuck him outside, but as I kneeled down, my dad runs his hand through my hair and yells that it’s in my hair...

So after that pleasantness, I regain my composure (which I won’t go into detail how much he got me). And when I go back to scoop him up, its leg starts moving. I paused. And then the antenna starts going too, and I just figured it was just some posthumous death twitching, but then the sumb!@t# does a crunch and looks at me. This thing just starts moving around and starts spinning itself. The friggin Deadpool of bugs decided to play a little practical joke on me as it starts trying to right itself.

I sack up and flip it into the cup and rush off to the door to chuck the thing outside. My dad just looks at me and asks me why I did that. Dumbfounded, and look back and ask what he wanted me to do with it.

He told me that I should have ventured off into the dark and lonely path to our trashcans. I laughed in his face and explained how as soon as I got out of eye-shot of him, that bug playing opossum was going to kill me.

That does it for me. Back to you guys in the studio.

Tom: So really, I think that’s fundamental psychological drive for the ménage à trois.

Paul: Wow, I never really thought of it like that. That’s really ensigh-

Chuck: You two! We’re back on the page!

Tom: Whoops! Hello, PostAWeek readers.

Chuck: And on that note, good bye, PostAWeek readers.

Tom: But we never got to the Performers of the Month for May.

Chuck: Yeah, that “Special Report” took up our entire word count, so we’ll have to come back next week.

Tom: Cool, so I basically have this week off?

Chuck: I mean, you were here.

Tom: Sweet, I’m going to go see if that intense psychological analysis works on Chuck’s wife.

Chuck: Wait, what?

Tom: Paul, want to be my +1?

Paul: Sure, let’s go.

Chuck: Wait, wait, wait.

/Door shuts

Chuck: I don’t know how to produce the show guys!

/Buttons click

Chuck: Guys! Well, have a fantastic weeks, PostAWeek readers. Until next time...







Chuck: There it is.

Listening to
Alan Cumming

Twitter Tag
We interrupt this PotM for a special report in honor of Franz Kafka’s birthday, only @

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
The http my own website is coming soon .com !!!! in all its Glory - and all its Horror

New to the PostAWeek? These are the essential posts to see
3 – January Performer of the Month – The first official appearance of Chuck and Tom on the PostAWeek, and a good sampler of their style.

5, 6, 7 – The February Performer of the Month Trilogy – The only Performer of the Month to span 3 posts, Chuck deals with a Batman-quoting Tom for over 1,500 words in this three-bit of brilliance

8, 9, 10 – The Mile High Diaries Trilogy – My yearly pilgrimage to the top of Mount Etatslac chronicled for the future generations to tackle the peak, written article-style with pulled quotes and all that jazz.

Chuck: Dammit! How do I shuck this f#@%ing blog off!!!

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