Friday, February 15, 2013

PostAWeek 6: February Performer of the Month – The (Still) Dark PotM By David “Jokers Wild” Dysart

PostAWeek 6: February Performer of the Month – The (Still) Dark PotM
By David “Jokers Wild” Dysart

Tom and Chuck were transcribed in front of an imaginary audience

Chuck: Hello, and welcome back, PostAWeek readers. If you haven’t read the first part of the February Performer of the Month, do be sure to go read it at

Tom: Why did we end the show unfinished?

Chuck: I don’t know. Why?

Tom: So we can pick it back up again.

Chuck: Are you seriously still doing these ridiculous Batman references? Who does that?!?

Tom: It doesn't matter who I am... what matters is my references. No one cared who I was until I quoted the man in the mask.

Chuck: If I stop talking right now, will you stop?

Tom: It would be extremely beneficial...

Chuck: You're a big liar.

Tom: you.

Chuck: Forget it. I’m going to go make a sandwich until you burn yourself out.

Tom: I do fear hosting. I fear finishing in here while my ego burns.

Chuck: Then make with the regular talk.

Tom: How?

Chuck: As the I did. Without depending on pop culture. Then amazing will find you again.

Tom: So, you came back to host with your partner?

Chuck: No. I came back to stop you from talking in ridiculous references.

Tom: You don't fear humor... You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.

Chuck: references?

Tom: Yes. But not of your Marvel... Of my DC.

Chuck: Screw it. You and Paul can finish the post.

Tom: I made a promise on the keyboard of my creator that I would rid this blog of the boringness that took his likes. By day, I am Tom, imaginiar, real pill, and a pest. At night, insomniacs, a bored and sleepless lot, call me... Entertainment.

Chuck: Hmm, I think a good ol’ fashioned PB and J would be nice.

Tom: You on the board?

Paul: When your host leaves things, yeah.

Tom: You knew he’d make a sandwich?

Paul: Oh, yeah. Helped him buy the spread. Ah, here we are. Keep-fresh ziplock bag. Machine-threshed and cracked whole grain. The three hundred and fifty calorie fresh mayonnaise. Wonderful project, your host’s sandwich. Put it right into the fridge along with the soda and chips. Kind of made my fridge the unofficial food source for the PostAWeek. Of course, David’ll let it go to rot. Here we are. Cheese puffs for the finished sandwich, extra cheese, stay-puff technology.

Chuck: Hey, guys. You done yet?

Tom: You traveled to the kitchen... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really want to eat... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your poor choice of sandwich was not your fault. Your food prep is nothing. The hunger is everything. If you make yourself more than just a sandwich, if you devote time to a meal, it becomes something else entirely. Are you ready to begin?

Chuck: bb, M lrdy eedng

Tom: If something stands in the way of a true meal, you simply walk up behind them and slap the plate out of their hands.

(Glass breaking)

Chuck: Duu! Ai jus ade tht!

Tom: Not a lot of people know what it feels like to be hungry, in your bones. I mean, they understand, famished, everybody understands, for a while. Then they want the hungry little kid to do something he knows he can't do, move on. So after a while they stop understanding. They send the hungry kid a sandwich. I figured it out too late. You gotta learn to hide your hunger, practice smiling in the mirror. It's like putting on a mask.

Chuck: Are you saying you’re hungry too?

Tom: Speak of the hunger and he shall appear.

Chuck: Well, we’re over our word count. Let’s go grab something to eat

Tom: Shrimp balls?

Chuck: No!

Tom: So which is it to be? Deli, or restaurant?

Chuck: Restaurant!

Tom: Sold! To the man in a meat sweat.

Chuck: Paul, you coming.

Paul: Yeah, go ahead. I just need to post this.

Chuck: Well, PostAWeek readers, we bid you adieu. Please do join us next week for the exciting conclusion of the February Performer of the Month!

Tom: I see a beautiful post and a brilliant people reading from their bed. I see the likes for which I lay down my words, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy. I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better restaurant that I go to, than I have ever known.

Chuck: Cool, see you next time, PostAWeek readers!



Paul: I believe in Tom Fosury. I believe in Chuck Jewels. I believe in PostAWeek

Reading to
The Heist by Mackelmore (how great a villain name is that?)

Twitter Tag
It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, do you know how I got these blogs? Only at

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see
158 – Boxer V Brief – Short, concise joke machine and a DYNAMIC ENTRANCE! to my favorite Bloggadays of the Second Trigaday
159 – A Phthalates-filled Sbarro Breadstick – This was just a funny Bloggaday despite the essence being something no one will get unless the look up what a phthalate is
174 – FNtCCA,aToTbDD– While I think it’s clear I rarely EDIT the Bloggaday, this train-of-thought post shows how much I have to FILTER it…
183 – SotW 13 – This one had it all. Pretty much every bit that’s been a major player in the SotW made its way into this one, so it’s a good one to try.
134 – SotW 5 – This particular Song of the Week featured the characters a bit truer to their original concept. After a while, I started liking Tom too much and changed him a bit which caused changes to Chuck.
227 – PWND: TSHBRotCCPS pt16 was some solid fiction content. Plus, that was probably some of the finest Final Thought I’ve ever thought up.

Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, like me. *like me!* 

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