Sunday, April 28, 2013

PostAWeek 16: Bleeding Ink: A Metal Song of Hardcoreness By David “Bleeding Quill” Dysart

PostAWeek 16: Bleeding Ink: A Metal Song of Hardcoreness
By David “Bleeding Quill” Dysart

I was having a textual conversation with a friend of mine when I mentioned that I should buy a quill and ink well. I was then informed that the ink bleeds, which just sounded like an awesome metal song, so.... I made an awesome metal song about it. I will say though, I don’t know anything about music, don’t know how to write a song, and don’t listen to metal. I do think I will make another pass of it though to make it even more metal. Anyways, onto the song!

Bleeding Ink: A Metal Song of Hardcoreness


Ink and paper
My ink bleeds on my paper
Blackness overtaking
... It’s purityyyyyyyyy

My mother told me
To color inside the line
Be the straight-laced
Be the good kind of kid,

But she never saw the ink
What I had to thiiiink
She never saw the ink
On my paper bleeeeeed

What she couldn’t see
The ink that I made bleed
The stories I had to tell
The words that I had to fell

Now I’m using my speech
To say what they wouldn’t teach
Just what had to be said
Before I become part of the deeeeaaad

I spill my inkwell
Stab the paper with my quill
Hear what I have to say
Write it all my way

I will just stand here
Bleeding my poetry
The world sucking
My life from me

My mother told me
To color inside the line
Be the straight-laced
Be the good kind of kid,

But she never saw the ink
What I had to thiiiink
She never saw the ink
On my paper bleeeeeed

What she couldn’t see
The ink that I made bleed
The stories I had to tell
The words that I had to fell

Now I’m using my speech
To say what they wouldn’t teach
Just what had to be said
Before I become part of the deeeeaaad

I spill my inkwell
Stab the paper with my quill
Hear what I have to say
Write it all my way

Mamma, what do you think of me now
You taught me a murder most foul
But the world just taught me murder
You’re either the sheep or the sheepherder

Now that you see me bleed
Sewn from your seed
Your son no longer the bank slate
Bred from your contempt and hate

The paper you created was meant to bleed
From the ink of the world, its lead
Sorry to disappoint you, you see
But this boy was meant to bleed

Listening to
Unicorns and puppies

Twitter Tag
Are you ready to hear the most #metal #song about how a quill bleeds when it writes? Only @

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
The http my own website is coming soon .com !!!! in all its Glory - and all its Horror

New to the PostAWeek? These are the essential posts to see
3 – January Performer of the Month – The first official appearance of Chuck and Tom on the PostAWeek, and a good sampler of their style.

5, 6, 7 – The February Performer of the Month Trilogy – The only Performer of the Month to span 3 posts, Chuck deals with a Batman-quoting Tom for over 1,500 words in this three-bit of brilliance

8, 9, 10 – The Mile High Diaries Trilogy – My yearly pilgrimage to the top of Mount Etatslac chronicled for the future generations to tackle the peak, written article-style with pulled quotes and all that jazz.

The blog pivots around you. Here. Now. So do good. For PostAWeek. And for David Dysart

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