Saturday, May 4, 2013

PostAWeek 17: The Davidian Blog - Why I Harrangue and The Funural Job pt 1 By David “Hey, you want to climb” Dysart

PostAWeek 17: The Davidian Blog - Why I Harrangue and The Funural Job pt 1
By David “Hey, you want to climb” Dysart

Most people who know me know me as a person who harangues them to come climbing. I suppose I could lend some clarity (or I suppose what it will ultimately be, confusion) as to why.

I’ve been working at the Climbing Wall for about 2 years now, and even before then, I’ve been getting people to climb since before then. These reasons vary but there are some consistent ones.

First of all, I’m not the most social of people. I don’t hang out all to often, so the climbing wall is a good place for me in that respect. Give me the opportunity to do so. I’m also pretty terrible when it comes to scheduling hanging out, so it gives that planning a nice focus.
So, general hanging out.

As a slight expansion on that, there are people who just are genuinely awesome, so I bug them to come climbing when I see them.
So, awesome people (though sometimes this requires coercive measures such as cookies and cinnamon roasted almonds).

I’m also socially awkward enough that when I run into someone, bugging them to come climbing is just an easy bit of conversation
So, awkward conversation filler.

Some of the people I know will never climb, so it’s just a running joke. Only a couple of those folks though.
So, trolling people.

The last major reason that I can think is... because I work at the Climbing Wall. I’m trying to get people to come climbing! I can get sucked into a slow day and just want to chill, but it’s generally more fun when people are actually climbing. It’s even better when it’s a manageable amount of awesome people.
So, the workplace experience.

I’m sure if I gave it more thought, I could elaborate more or come up with another reason or two, but a terrible day doesn’t exactly inspire PostAWeek writing.

I suppose what I can do you tag an old Bloggaday here at the end. Perhaps one of my own climbing wall ones. Well, I’m going to go grab one. I guess we’re both going to be surprised.

Well, definitely not wall-related. It’s part 1 of a 3-part Leverage fan fic I did during the Bloggaday.

Bloggaday 115 – PWND: The Funeral Job 1 of 3

Blood mixed with the young man’s saliva and ran a trail from his lips. A cough cut the stream as a voice came, “Get him up.”
Men in suits grabbed his arms and craned him to his feet, revealing more a boy than a man. “Alright, alright. I’ll get you your money. I just need a little bit more time.”
The man’s head dropped before he turned back to the trio. “You might want to hurry, Mr. Ford. You have the unfortunate luck of owing me the wrong amount of money. He grabbed a handful of scraggly hair and continued into gazeless eyes, “You owe me enough money to physically intervene, but it’s small enough that the message it sends for us to kill you… Well, that does more for our reputation than taking that piss-poor excuse of collateral you put up.” He clinched the hair and sent another blow to the boy’s gut.
As he turned and walked away, he said with a wave of his hand, “You know what to do with him.”
As they began to drag the flailing boy, one of the suited men hooked the sledge resting against the door.

Clad in black but behind a white collar, the baritone rang to a full room. “Nathan was a fine young man, and that is how we should remember him. Some people have expressed to me that they would like to pay their last respects in private, so I’d like to ask all of you to join me in the reception area and celebrate the LIFE of Nathan Ford.”

An older gentleman, grey offering a distinguished shock to either temple, retrieved a browning baseball from his jacket pocket and admired it. He held the door open after a woman left the room. With a nod he went in after she cleared the way.
A few moments after he disappeared, a boy, no more than twelve or thirteen, scanned the reception room from the same doors. He pried one open and slipped in. He ducked in between the rows of pews as the man began to speak, “Hey, Nate. I know it’s been a while. I’m just sorry I couldn’t come sooner or on better terms.”
The man covered the last step to the coffin with a catch in his throat. “I know how much you always loved this ball, and every time I looked at it, I just think about that time at the bar. I don’t know. I always figured I would give it to you sooner or later, so I guess this is my last chance.”

I’ll get to part 2 and 3 in the near future, but the original Bloggaday posts

Listening to
Supernatural (from the beginning)

Twitter Tag
This particular PostAWeek may pertain to you. Or if you like #TNT’s #Leverage, you might get a kick out of the last half, only @

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
The http my own website is coming soon .com !!!! in all its Glory - and all its Horror

New to the PostAWeek? These are the essential posts to see
3 – January Performer of the Month – The first official appearance of Chuck and Tom on the PostAWeek, and a good sampler of their style.

5, 6, 7 – The February Performer of the Month Trilogy – The only Performer of the Month to span 3 posts, Chuck deals with a Batman-quoting Tom for over 1,500 words in this three-bit of brilliance

8, 9, 10 – The Mile High Diaries Trilogy – My yearly pilgrimage to the top of Mount Etatslac chronicled for the future generations to tackle the peak, written article-style with pulled quotes and all that jazz.

Hey, you should go climbing ^.^

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