Friday, May 31, 2013

PostAWeek 21: Woodworking, Minimalists, and Busts, Oh My! By David “Academic or Artist” Dysart

PostAWeek 21: Woodworking, Minimalists, and Busts, Oh My!
By David “Egypt Geek” Dysart
By David “Academic or Artist” Dysart

Note from the author: “Egypt Geek” and “Academic or Artist” were my second choices. I wanted to use something else from the Supernatural Parody from the VERY END of the post

All this, and I need a show to audition for. If anybody knows any good ones, let me know!!

As another academic year comes to an end, it brings about a new summer. It also means I will (Hopefully) have more time for creative endeavors. I’m not entirely sure how true this will be since I’m starting my externship the Monday after Finals week and need to start working on my thesis to propose this Fall, but I really do want to get back into the swing of things.

So I decided to make a central list of things I needed to get done. And given the fact that it’s Friday, I figured I would just make it the PostAWeek (Also, I hope that if I spend some more time thinking and writing about them, it’ll motivate me more)

To do Woodworking, Minimalists, Bust, Drawings

If you don’t know about my woodworking projects:

Wood working
Branden’s 88
For his birthday, my nephew wanted an 88 for a Nascar racer.
Kyla’s Lakers Wand
And my niece wanted a yellow and purple wand. I already bought the materials at Michaels, so it’s just a little drilling, putting together and painting
Secret collaboration
Seraph Blade
I bought a trenchcoat-looking coat the other day and figured I was a blue tie and seraph blade away from a sweet Castiel cosplay, so BAM! Inspiration
Lord Zedd Staff
Ever since I saw this trailer, I’ve wanted to do his staff
Ice and Fire
Dothraki Sword
I burned through the first 2 seasons of GoT in far too little time, so I knew I had to do something from the show. The Dothraki swords were very cool, very reminiscent of Egyptian swords (which I used to be a huge Egypt geek when I was younger, so this was kind of a have to for me.
Longclaw and dagger
I also wanted to do a sword/dagger combo from the show. And the most distinct sword on the show is definitely Longclaw. No spoilers, so I’ll just say it’s from the Night’s Watch
Legolas Bow?
I’ve wanted to do a bow for a long time, and I figured Legolas’s would be cool. Not sure yet though
Aragon sword (whole and broken)
Another one I thought would be kind of cool. I’d just have to make it twice basically
Loki’s Staff
Ooiiii. I’d love to do this one, but it would probably be a ridiculous build, so I don’t know if it would ever happen. Ideally, I’d make the head, short staff, and long staff and be able to attach it, but that DEFINITELY would never happen

Pegasus from Hercules
The only thing I have on my to-do list. It was a request. Forgot about it until I put the list together

I’ve never really done realistic drawings, and very rarely done much in the way of shading, so I figured these would be fun. I figured I wouldn’t be able to do faces (which has proven true), so I chose folks with very distinctive character design, so I wouldn’t have to do faces.

   After having done 3 of these drawings, I wanted to start working on faces. So the best training ground would be cartoon characters so even if I don’t get the likeness down, people won’t notice.
I’ve always been a wolverine fan, so while it’d be a more simplistic drawing (unless I incorporated a hand), it might be cool)
Not a huge Cyclops fan, but should make for a good drawing
Lots of stuff to do here
This one would be pretty intensive too, but I really look forward to it
Amazing character, could be an interesting draw too

Dean (Leather jacket and necklace)
Would be a fair amount of layers and then the necklace, so could be an interesting draw
Castiel – Leviathan or bloodied
I’d like to take another crack at Castiel, including the face this time
Ugh, just tried this last night. It was a train wreck (partly because it was too small, partly because I just sucked
Done in a realistic fashion, I think this would be a really cool drawing
Snow White
Moreso, just because it is a very distinctive character design

Doctor Who
I dig Matt Smith, but Tennant is my Doctor. More curious to do the face study drawing for this one

The Boulder
Well, I’d learn a lot about musculature, plus a fun character
Cabbage Merchant
                        My cabbages!
Assassin’s Creed slide blades
I actually bought the drawer slides, gosh, I don’t even know how long ago. Just need to sit down and actually do it
Replicator Bug
Ugh, another crazy old project. I have a number of blocks cut and half painted.

Listening to
The 40 Year Old Boy Podcast

Twitter Tag
Get Ready. Summer #woodworking, #minimalist #drawings, and bust #sketches, only @ #creative #to-do

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
The http my own website is coming soon .com !!!! in all its Glory - and all its Horror

New to the PostAWeek? These are the essential posts to see
3 – January Performer of the Month – The first official appearance of Chuck and Tom on the PostAWeek, and a good sampler of their style.

5, 6, 7 – The February Performer of the Month Trilogy – The only Performer of the Month to span 3 posts, Chuck deals with a Batman-quoting Tom for over 1,500 words in this three-bit of brilliance

8, 9, 10 – The Mile High Diaries Trilogy – My yearly pilgrimage to the top of Mount Etatslac chronicled for the future generations to tackle the peak, written article-style with pulled quotes and all that jazz.

Oh, Supernatural parodies to end the PostAWeek, how I adore you.
Me as Castiel,
Parents as Dean,
Creativity as Crowley
Woodworking as Kevin

Me: I’m going in the garage

Parents: No, you don’t have enough time

Creativity: David, fresh from Uni. Wish you would’ve blogged first.

Me: Creativity

Creativity: Which David is it this time? Academic or Artist. I’m never really sure

Me: These projects are coming with me

Creativity: I think not. Woodworking is staying in summer now

Me: So this is how it’s going to be

Creativity: It’s very West Side Story, but let’s be logical, You look like hell week. And I should know

Creativity: Maybe you can get it up, but you can’t keep it up.

Creativity: You’re bluffing

Me: Do you want to take that chance?

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